Sajid Bin Amar
Sub-cover artist, Arts Illustrated

‘My experience as a printmaker helps me register an unusual relationship upon the canvas. Bubble-wrap impressions, line drawing portraits, scribbles, glossy clippings and patches of thick and thin paint integrate the diversity of various forms. I move my creative process without a single narrative. Yet, the many elements create a dynamism only understood by the eye and a private script of subjective experiences.’
Sajid Bin Amar realised his passion for art back in the early 1980s. Under the guidance of renowned artist Laxma Goud, he then completed his Diploma in painting from the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University in Hyderabad and then received an MFA and a gold medal in the same discipline from the Hyderabad Central University. Today, he is one of the leading artists in the country, and the recipient of several awards and fellowships, both from central and Andhra Pradesh state governments.
Having exhibited widely, Sajid Bin Amar is well-known for works that are part of several public and private collections. Living, working and finding his muses in a distinctly consumerist world, his stylised collages and paintings scan the smart and wicked world of desire, in all its glitz, glamour and twinkling glory. His work gently parodies, and pays homage to, contemporary culture that is balanced upon the fine line demarcating the commercial and fine arts.
Why do you do art?
Art is my life – I need that expression just as I breath every day.
Where do you see yourself five years from now?
I’m still young and I have no such agenda at this age.
If you could meet your artistic hero/inspiration, who would that be?
There are so many things that inspire me to paint. It is not just one person or one thing for me to name…
Who or what keeps you company while you work?
I’s fond of music – radio, especially Vividh Bharati. The first thing I do when I enter my studio is turn on the radio!
How would you want to be remembered?
I always try to be a good human being and do good work. I would be happy if people remembered me and work for just that – being good.